Library Resources

Use this page to add information about relevant source of resources from school or public libraries. Please feel free to add your samples to those already listed.

Reading Club

Sample “nights of reading sheets” 50 nights.doc 100 nights.doc 150 nights.doc 200 nights.doc 250 nights.doc
I print these onto brightly coloured papers and change the name/logo depending on my school.

Sample “certificates” certificates.doc
I just change the number and print the same one for each 50 nights but use a different colour.

Sample “form” Rosserform.xls
I keep record of who has completed 50 nights and so on by placing an “X” in the correct column after filling in the names. If you are going to merge this file, make sure that after printing the certificates the first time, you use “X2” for the next round so you won’t print the same certificates each recognition assembly.

Sample “merge file” and directions for use certificate merge doc.doc
I merge this file with the “form” file above to print out certificates quickly.

Sample “bookplates” bookplates.doc
I use these to celebrate children who have read for 250 nights. They gain immortality by having their name put into a book in the library.

Sample “bookplate merge” bookplate labels merge.doc
I create a new xls form for 250 night readers and merge it onto the bookplate document above. Print these onto Avery labels in same layout.

Games and Contests

Sample “book reviews”
mini book review.doc

Story Ideas